How are you today?

How are you today?
Right now in this moment?

Close your eyes and ask yourself that again in your head.

It’s ok to have mixed emotions when you stop and reflect on yourself for a moment. Be with those emotions and don’t judge them. It’s about acknowledging yourself more often. Checking in on yourself. Hang out with just you for 5 minutes or longer everyday.

Ask yourself what you need more of in your life to help you feel better or add to your life. Maybe that could be more downtime, quality time with family/friends, or laughs. Whatever it is start prioritizing more of that into your life. Make small step’s daily to do more of what makes you feel lifted and happier. When we prioritize ourselves first we can then add more to others.

A Moment of Reflection features positive, inspiring, and uplifting stories curated by Ryanne Cunningham: owner of Flow Yoga Studio, Yoga Instructor, and Author of Yoga for Athletes. Ryanne is currently writing her second book.

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